
Confused about how to manage money post-retirement? The 4% Rule is here to help you out!

Akshita Maheshwari
January 27, 2023
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Retirement is the second inning of a person’s life, and the idea of a significant change like it might seem daunting to some people, especially when it comes to managing money. If you do not know how much you need to save for retirement, a good initiation point can be referring to the 4% retirement rule.

The roots of the 4% rule lie in the historical data of stock and bond returns from 1926 to 1976, covering 50 years. Until the 1990s, many believed that the 5% rule was more effective; however, real-life experiences led people to think that 4% was sufficient. Thus, to resolve this issue, William Bengen, a financial advisor, conducted extensive research in 1994 covering returns from 1930 to 1970, including periods of serious economic downfalls. He concluded that the 4% rule is ideal even in recessionary times and can provide funds to retirees for up to 30 years.

So, what exactly does the 4% retirement rule say? 

The idea is that retirees can withdraw 4% of their investments in the first year of their retirement. Then in the subsequent years, they can increase this amount by adjusting for inflation. This rule typically applies to an investment portfolio consisting of 50% stock and 50% debt.

We must remember that the ideal withdrawal amount also hugely depends on the retiree’s life expectancy. It also depends on the environment you live in and the future inflationary trends. Also, this rule assumes that the person is retiring at age 65, so if someone plans to retire earlier or later, their financial plan changes.

How to implement the 4% rule?

The investment portfolio, once you reach your retirement age, looks very different from when you were young and just getting started. Ideally, you should have a majority of your investments in debt with a small allocation towards low-cost passive index funds. Such an asset allocation provides an optimal balance between capital growth and protection. For e.g. you can have approximately 70-80% of your portfolio in debt mutual funds with the balance in equity. This ensures that you are able to steadily withdraw the 4% out of the growth of the debt fund without dipping into your capital.


  1. The rule is fairly simple to follow.
  2. It provides the retiree with a predictable income stream.
  3. It prevents retirees from running out of money post-retirement, thus providing protection.


  1. There exists a need to comply with the rule strictly. Moreover, the response to lifestyle changes is negligible.
  2. In the current market conditions of 2023, there is soaring inflation and low yields on equity and bonds compared to when this rule was formulated.
  3. It is outdated and does not guarantee protection in the long term.

Tweaks to the 4% Retirement Rule

This rule should not be written in stone and may just be a beginning guideline for financial planners and retirees. Sometimes it can be too rigid, and thus, there is a need to include a degree of flexibility. With changing times, there emerge changing needs and varying market conditions; thus, the withdrawal plan should be failproof to these changes.

Debates over the 4% rule have been going on for decades. While some financial planners believe that the 4% rule is too conservative and it should be increased to 5%, others believe that it is too liberal and may lead to running out of savings quickly, thus suggesting a reduction to 3.3%. There is no correct answer, so another plausible solution is to revisit the withdrawal rate yearly.

Nonetheless, the 4% rule is a good start to estimate how much money you require after retirement. But how? 

Make a list of all the essential costs, including:

  1. Annual medicine costs
  2. Rent or mortgage
  3. Annual grocery costs
  4. Annual transportation and travel costs
  5. Health emergencies and long-term care costs

Of course, this list is not exhaustive and varies individually, but these categories apply to almost everyone. It is also recommended to consult professional financial planners and advisors who can help you navigate saving schemes and investments. You can reach out to experts at Daulat because we are always here for you!

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